4 Quick Tips for a Faster Recovery Process After Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you are set to have your wisdom teeth extracted in Greenville, SC, you may already be thinking about how long it will take you to recover from the procedure. In general, fully recovering from wisdom teeth removal takes several weeks. However, there are certain steps you can take to help speed up your recovery. Some of the steps you can take include:


For the first three days after wisdom teeth removal, it’s advisable to keep your head elevated from the rest of your body at all times. This helps prevent blood from pooling in the extraction site, which may cause the wound to throb. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2s20wE9

Teeth Whitening—Opt for Greenville, SC Dentist instead of At-Home Kits

There are at-home whitening kits that you could use, which means you do not have to visit a Greenville, SC dentist to whiten your teeth. At-home kits are cheap and convenient, and therein lies the gist of their appeal. That said, there are a few reasons why you may still want to consider professionally whitening your teeth rather than attempting to do it on your own with an at-home kit.


While it may be true over-the-counter kits use the same whitening chemicals that top teeth whitening dentists use, you won’t necessarily get the same results. The secret lies in the technique—dentists have better skill, knowledge, and experience to apply teeth whitening technology than you ever could.  Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2s2BwNa

Family Dental Health Tips: Food to Eat to Help Keep Your Teeth White

Many people associate beautiful white teeth with healthy teeth. As a result, many people tend to resort to over-the-counter teeth whitening products to help them achieve a white hot smile. However, studies show that OTC teeth whitening products can actually cause more harm than good as the chemical composition of these products can leave teeth more susceptible to stains. On the other hand, professional teeth whitening from a trusted dentist in Greenville, SC like Dr. Trey Kenna tend to lead to better results that last longer.
If you have recently had your teeth whitened, it’s only natural you want to keep your family’s teeth as white and white for as long as possible. A Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2s2t4gQ

How to Prepare Yourself for Wisdom Teeth Removal in Greenville, SC

Have you ever wondered why your third set of molars is called wisdom teeth? It’s because they usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 21, a time when many people have already entered “maturity”. Seventeen year olds may seem young now, but in the past, people who reached this age were already considered full-fledged adults.

Unfortunately, the eruption of wisdom teeth isn’t a smooth process for everyone. There are times when they become impacted, leading to a lot of discomfort. In such cases, wisdom teeth removal in Greenville, SC becomes a necessity. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2sC0n7F