Five Reasons to Consider Specialized Teeth Whitening in Greenville, SC

Family dental health in Greenville, SC can extend to cosmetic procedures that can have many of the same benefits of proper dental care. Although teeth aren’t naturally bright white, having discolored teeth can deal a serious blow to your confidence, one of several reasons to consider professional teeth whitening the next time you visit your local dentist.

Removing Stubborn Teeth Stains

While coffee is often cited as a main cause of teeth staining, any foods with dark pigment can affect the natural color of your enamel. Even regular consumption of red wines and soda can tarnish your teeth over time. Read more on this article:

Trust an Emergency Dentist Who Is Familiar with Your Child’s Needs

While good things happen unexpectedly, so do bad things, and this makes it all the more important to ensure your child has access to the professional service of an emergency dentist in Greenville, SC. These situations can be especially frightening for kids, and having urgent care provided by a familiar face greatly decreases anxieties.

Understanding of the Child’s Mind

Pediatric dentists and their staff understand that their office can be scary for younger patients. This makes them better equipped to deal with the specific fears faced by kids when they are forced to visit on an urgent basis. Their offices are more inviting, and they more readily ease fears to best ensure proper emergency care is administered. Read more on this article:

Think Smart: Call on Greenville SC Dentists for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Justin Bieber, Paris Hilton, and Miley Cyrus are just three of the many famous faces who recently had their wisdom teeth removed. Celebrity or not, however, those four “extra” permanent adult teeth in the back of your mouth sometimes need to go. Most experienced Greenville dentists can perform flawless wisdom teeth removal. Visit one today if you are determined to have those trifling body parts taken out.

What is a wisdom tooth?

Before going through wisdom teeth removal, it is crucial to first understand the significance of the procedure. First, you need to know that only around 35% of the population is born without wisdom teeth, so be sure that the teeth you want to be extracted are really wisdom teeth. If those are really wisdom teeth, find out how many you have, because there are some who grow more than four wisdom teeth, which could entail a lengthy and intense operation. Read more on this article:

Oral Surgery Guide: When to Consider Using Greenville Dental Implants

We all want a smile that exudes optimism, one that boosts our confidence and opens many doors of opportunities in life. Unfortunately, maintaining long-term oral health can be challenging for most people. With sugary treats and beverages becoming more and more available, it can be difficult to keep your teeth looking the way you want. Whether you have extensive oral issues or missing teeth, exploring your options for oral surgery in Greenville will allow you to find a lasting solution.

Maintaining Your Face’s Natural Shape

Your teeth play a big part in maintaining your face’s natural shape. These pearly whites and other tissues that make up the oral cavity serve as a framework to your maxillofacial structure. Missing teeth often cause the face to begin to sag. Dental implants provide the support it needs to stay looking young and refreshed. Read more on this article:

Teeth Whitening: Know the Benefits and the Many Reasons to Try It

Your teeth contribute a lot to your smile’s glow and your overall appearance. Teeth are one of the first features that people notice when you talk to them. More importantly, the teeth play an important role in oral health.

Given all of this, it is necessary to take care of your teeth. One way to improve your oral health is to visit a dentist who offers teeth whitening in Greenville, SC.

Clears Stubborn Stains

Because of aging, as well as colorants and substances found in food and drinks, your teeth experience discoloration. This can be unappealing and unhealthy due to clogged stains and built-up tartars. Merely cleaning teeth may not be enough to eliminate discoloration.

Your Child’s First Dental Visit: Preparing for a Pediatric Dentist

A trip to the dentist usually elicits fear in a child. This is why some parents are cautious about bringing their kids to the dentist for the first time. However, the truth is that parents shouldn’t be so worried because their child has yet to experience a trip to the dentist, especially since they can make sure that the first trip is a pleasant one.

The best age for a child’s first dental visit is at two years old, allowing parents to ease their child into the experience early in his or her life. To help you out, here are some tips on preparing for your child’s first dental visit.

Wisdom Teeth Removal from Dentists: When Should You Do It and Why?

A wisdom tooth is a third molar that shows up later in life. It can grow completely or impacted. There are people free of any problems with their wisdom teeth, but there are others who suffer from pain and discomfort because of them.

There is no need for wisdom teeth removal if they grow in the right position, meaning they don’t affect the gums, the other teeth or any other part of the mouth. However, if they become impacted and cause a crowding inside, they may have to be removed.

Getting Dental Implants: A Deep Understanding on the Factors Involved

Losing a tooth can affect your life. It can weaken your self-confidence, make speech harder, and cause discomfort in your mouth. This is why you may want to consider a dental implant after losing a tooth.

A titanium post placed into the jawbone, a dental implant allows a replacement tooth or a bridge to be placed in the affected area. Unlike dentures, dental implants don’t come loose, therefore easing worries that your teeth may fall out while speaking or smiling.

Remember the Do’s and Don’ts Before Undergoing a Root Canal Procedure


A root canal is performed to preserve a tooth that has been damaged by decay. It helps prevent the spread of the infection, relieve toothache, and encourage healing. This procedure involves the removal of the pulp from the center of the affected tooth and the filling of the pulp cavity. After the procedure, you won’t have to worry about missing a tooth; the infected tooth can remain in position, enabling the normal acts of chewing and speaking.

A lot of people try their best to avoid root canals because they are said to be painful. However, there are ways to make the entire procedure easier and safer for you. Before scheduling a root canal in Greenville, SC, here are the do’s and don’ts to prepare for it:


3 Telling Signs You Need to Visit Your Dentist Now for Oral Surgery

Your oral health plays a key role in your overall wellbeing. A good set of teeth and healthy gums will help you speak, chew, and digest food properly. They can also boost your self-confidence by giving you a winning smile. This is why it’s important to attend to oral problems as soon as possible.

Oral surgery is one solution to fix problems that could affect your health. Your dentist in Greenville, SC may conduct a comprehensive examination to determine the best course of action. However, there are signs that a surgery might be in the future for you.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are surgically removed if they cause pain and affect nearby teeth. If your jaw isn’t large enough to allow a wisdom tooth to grow properly, it will likely fail to emerge completely, making it trapped and impacted between the gum tissue and the jawbone.