Be Prepared: Important Questions to Ask Prior to Wisdom Teeth Removal


Wisdom teeth removal is a fairly common procedure in Greenville, SC and the rest of the United States. Many people simply do not have enough space in their jaw to accommodate a third set of molars, causing the wisdom teeth to become impacted. Fortunately, many trusted dentists in Greenville, such as Dr. Kenna of Downtown Dental, offer wisdom teeth removal services.

Upon learning the need for wisdom teeth removal, many patients instinctively research about how to ensure a smooth recovery after the procedure. However, the steps you take before the procedure are just as important. As such, it is in your best interest to ask your dentist the following questions at least two weeks before your procedure:


Most dentists will have a variety of anesthesia options on-hand. This allows your dentist to choose the most appropriate sedative for your situation. Read more from this blog.

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